USSD command

Added by Nobels about 2 years ago


I use the USSD commando and it returns nothing (or empty string). :-(

Know what i did is this:

I run your Messagingtoolkit SMS Demo.

Select USSD and in the content i write #121#, DCS i leave empty.

hit send and i have to wait some time to get the result. --> ""

Know i put 15 in the DCS as value --> ""

My question is DSC what stands it for ?

The strange part is that i recieve nothing instead the ammount of credit on my account.

Can you answer my question ?

Any advice on this ?


Replies (1)

RE: USSD command - Added by admin about 2 years ago


Certain modem may need DCS to be set for the AT commands. Check your modem AT commands support for that

Also, USSD command support may vary from network to network. You have to test that.

