


Inbox Status Report & Outbox SMS,HOW?

Added by newlife over 8 years ago

how are you ?
i face a problem with the status report.
when i send an sms,it says your RefNo is : 135
and when i recieved the status report message
it says that the report RefNo is : 85
and so on
i knew that both the origenal sms and its report must be the same RefNo,isn't it?
or how can i knew where is the right report for my outbox sms among all of these reports in my inbox?
please help

Replies (8)

RE: Inbox Status Report & Outbox SMS,HOW? - Added by admin over 8 years ago


Please test with the attached library.

Can you check if the returned ref no in the status report matches those in either Sms.Indexes or Sms.ReferenceNo?


RE: Inbox Status Report & Outbox SMS,HOW? - Added by newlife over 8 years ago

it didn't work
it says ReferenceNo.First() = 43010
and Indexes.First() = 151
and when i get the status report the Reference Number was 89

by the way
i get the ReferenceNo for the status report when i Decoded its PDU
and if i try to see it at the inbox DataGrid it is always = 0,try to fix this please.

back to our status report Reference Number problem
it seems that you generate the outbox Reference Number randomly
if i send sms now it says:
ReferenceNo.First() = 43010
Indexes.First() = 150

and if i send another one after it ,it says :
ReferenceNo.First() = 32040
Indexes.First() = 151

ReferenceNo looks like random numbers,and it must be sequenced.
and the index is sequenced and it must be sequenced,no problem

i try something to get the correct and the same ReferenceNo for the sent sms and its status report

at the btnSendMessage_Click

and before (mobileGateway.Send(sms))
i do this :
sms.SaveSentMessage = true;
when sms sent, the ReferenceNo.First() = 20143
and the Indexes.First() = 152

and the status report Reference Number = 90 (As from the PDU)

it looks different,Ok
but as i saved the sent sms ,i can see it in the (dgdMessages >> "DataGridView")
so i can read its PDU
and when i when i Decoded the sent sms PDU i find that the real Reference Number = 90
it is the same like its Status report Reference Number
and totaly different from the ReferenceNo.First() , Indexes.First()

look at the PDU sample for sent sms and it status report

<< SmsSubmitPdu >>
SMSC Address: [Length: 7 (07) octets, Type: 91 (10010001), Address: 971555515515]

First Octet: 31 [TP-MTI: (SMS-SUBMIT), TP-VPF: (validity format, integer, TP-SRR: (Requests Status Report), TP-UDHI: (no UDH)]
Message Reference: 98
Destination Address: [Length: 12 (0C), Type: 81 (10000001), Address: 97155*******]
TP-PID: 00 (00000000)
TP-DCS: 10 (7-bit GSM Alphabet) (00010000)
TP-VPF: 1 hours =========================================

<< SmsStatusReportPdu >>

SMSC Address: [Length: 7 (07) octets, Type: 91 (10010001), Address: 971555515517]

First Octet: 06 [TP-MTI: (SMS-STATUS REPORT), TP-MMS: (Has more messages), TP-UDHI: (no UDH)]
Message Reference: 98
Destination Address: [Length: 12 (0C), Type: 81 (10000001), Address: 97155******]
TP-SCTS: Sat, 25 Dec 2010 16:12:02 GMT+4:00
Discharge Time: Sat, 25 Dec 2010 16:12:04 GMT+4:00
Status: 00 =========================================

1- can we get this REAL Reference Number directly without PDU Decoder?
2- Can we do this without saveing the sent sms ?if i didn't save it i cant get its PDU and this mean i cant get its real Reference Number.
3- when i ask your toolkit to save the sent sms (sms.SaveSentMessage = true;)
it sent the same sms mor than one 3-4 times

thanks for your help

RE: Inbox Status Report & Outbox SMS,HOW? - Added by admin over 8 years ago


Please try with the attached release. The reference no should be in Sms.ReferenceNo

The submitted sms reference no will always be random and it is only unique for that SMS when it is submitted to SMSC.

The error related to wrong display in the datagrid should be fixed.

For the error 3- when i ask your toolkit to save the sent sms (sms.SaveSentMessage = true;), it sent the same sms mor than one 3-4 times, can you provide the log files?

RE: Inbox Status Report & Outbox SMS,HOW? - Added by newlife over 8 years ago

i'll try youw new Dll

this is my log
it was sent about 4 time

and finally

raised an error also

Unsupported feature: SendSmsFromStorageFeature: Send SMS (CMS ERROR: 321 Invalid memory index)

RE: Inbox Status Report & Outbox SMS,HOW? - Added by newlife over 8 years ago

by the way
the error says : CMS ERROR: 321 Invalid memory index

but it was sent already,and alos it was saved in the memory and i can see it in sent list

RE: Inbox Status Report & Outbox SMS,HOW? - Added by newlife over 8 years ago

URGENT :sorry,but can you pleeaaaaaase download the attached log file and DELETE it NOW,it has private phone number and i forgot to remove it and i dont want it to be public,Pleaaaaaaase ASAP

RE: Inbox Status Report & Outbox SMS,HOW? - Added by newlife over 8 years ago

Great work
now i can get the same RefNo for both the sent SMS and its Status Report
Now sms.Indexes.First() = myStatusReport.ReferenceNumber .... Great
and the wrong display in the datagrid fixed.
thaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks admin
and many thanks about deleteing my log file in fast ;-)

RE: Inbox Status Report & Outbox SMS,HOW? - Added by admin over 8 years ago


The save sent SMS issue should be resolved in this library.
